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Drivelease Complaint Handling Procedure

What you should do if you wish to make a complaint


If you have a complaint about the Drivelease website, or some other related matter that you wish us to deal with? Then you should let us know by writing to us at: PDS Fleet Services Ltd T/A Drivelease, 3 Fairview Court Fairview Road Cheltenham  GL52 2EX.


Alternatively you can phone and speak to Mr. Andrew Hunter, on 01905 888 288 or email


What we will do if you make a complaint


Timescales for dealing with your complaint


  • If you register your complaint with us in writing, we will write to inform you within five working days to let you know that we have received it. If you make your complaint in person or by telephone we will also write to you within five working days of you telling us. We will confirm in this letter the details of your complaint and ask that you write back to confirm that these details are correct.


  • If we are unable to resolve your complaint within four weeks of receipt, we will write to update you as to our investigation and to tell you when we will inform you of our decision in writing.


  • Should we be unable to reach a decision sooner, we will contact you no later than eight weeks from the date we first received your complaint. We will then tell you what our final decision is or, if we have not been able to reach a resolution within this time we will give you the details of the Financial Ombudsman Service to whom you can contact regarding your complaint. 


How we will deal with your complaint


  • When we write to advise you we have received your complaint, we will tell you in the letter the name and position of the person dealing with your complaint. If you have any queries while we are dealing with your complaint, you should contact the person named in the letter.


  • We will deal with your complaint as quickly as we can. If we have to make a number of enquiries to investigate your complaint thoroughly, it may take us longer to reach a decision. It is possible that as part of our investigations we may need to ask you for more information.


  • Whilst we investigate your complaint we will keep you informed and you will not have to wait any longer than eight weeks to hear the outcome of our review.


  • We will only use the personal details you give us (when you make your complaint or later on) to help us deal with your complaint as set out in the complaints handling procedure. The way we use your personal details will comply fully with the Data Protection Act of 1998. For more details about how we use your personal details, please refer to our website terms & condition and privacy policy page.


How we will reach our decision


  • When investigating your complaint we will always take account of what you tell us. We will reach our final decision based on the outcome of our investigations and what you have told us.


  • We will assess complaints according to the law and the principles and guidance produced by our regulators - The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).


Telling you about our decision


  • If We cannot reach a decision within eight weeks of receiving your complaint, we will write to you to explain the outcome of our investigation and what we propose to do about it. If we decide your complaint is unfounded, our letter will explain why.


What if You are unhappy with our final decision?


  • If you disagree with our final decision you should contact us. Alternatively, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Services with your comments. You can also contact the Financial Ombudsman Service if you have not received a response from us within eight weeks of your complaint.


  • If we do change our decision, our letter will tell you what our revised decision is and how and why we reached it.

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